팝업레이어 알림
Usiness Field
Jang-Ho Park
Main Carrer
- Present Visiting Professor, Yonsei University
- Present Advisor, Samjung KPMG
- Past Industry Cooperation Professor, Seoul National University (Dental Hospital)
- Past Director,General Prime Minister's Office
Usiness Field
Hyun Soo Shin
Main Carrer
- Present Industry Cooperation Professor, Seoul National University
- Present Member, The National Academy of Engineering of Korea (NAEK)
- Past Head, Global Research Center of Hyundai Heavy Industries Co.
- Past CTO, Senior Executive Vice President, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co.
Policy Field
Eun Jeong Kim
Main Carrer
- Present Director, Center for Data Analytics Innovation, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
- Past Director, Center for Bio & Basic Science R&D Coordination, KISTEP
- Past PM, R&D Budget and Feasibility Analysis, KISTEP
- Past Senior Scientist, Korea Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS)
Biotechnology Field
Dong Myung Kim
Main Carrer
- Present Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Chungnam National University
- Past Principal Scientist/Research Director, Roche Diagnostics
- Past Post-Doc, Genentech/Stanford University
Biotechnology Field
Seung Wook Kim
Main Carrer
- Present Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Korea University
- Present Member, The National Academy of Engineering of Korea (NAEK)
- Past Secretary General, Asian Federation of Biotechnology (AFOB)
- Past President, The Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (KSBB)
Biotechnology Field
Won Jong Rhee
Main Carrer
- Present Professor, Division of Bioengineering, Incheon National University
- Present Head, Center for Innovative Human Resource Development, Incheon National University
- Present Head, Integrative Biotechnology Industrial Cooperation Center, Incheon National University
- Past Senior Scientist, LG Life Sciences
Biotechnology Field
Choul-Gyun Lee
Main Carrer
- Present Department of Biological Engineering, Inha University, Inha Fellow Professor
- Present Director (VP), Research Innovation Division, Inha University
- Present Dean, Graduate School, Inha University
- Past President, The Korean Society for Marine Biotechnology (KSMB)
- Past President, Asia-Pacific Society for Applied Phycology (APSAP)
- Past President, The Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (KSBB)
- Past Former Director, National Marine Bioenergy R&D Consortium
Biotechnology Field
Seung Hwan Lee
Main Carrer
- Present Professor, Department of Bionanotechnology, Hanyang University
- Present Associate Professor and Department Chair, Department of Bionano Engineering, Hanyang University ERICA Campus
Molecular Biology Field
Ji-Sook Hahn
Main Carrer
- Present Professor, School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University
- Present CTO, Cutisbio
Medicine Field
Kyo Chul Koo
Main Carrer
- Present Associate Professor, Department of Urology, Yonsei University College of Medicine
- Present Manager, International Relations Committee, Korean Prostate Society
- Present Communications Editor, Investigative and Clinical Urology Editorial Board
- Past Visiting Associate Professor and Physician, Department of Urological Sciences, University of British Columbia, Canada
Medicine Field
Jong Hoon Kwon
Main Carrer
- Present CEO, Hearthon Co.
- Present Director, Hanoi Chungyeon Korean Medicine Clinic
- Past Professor, Department of Korean Medicine, WIGS, Pennsylvania, USA
- Past Professor, Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, Graduate School of Korean Medicine, Wonkwang University
- Past Director of Garam Korean Medicine Clinic
Materials Engineering Field
Jong-Hyun Park
Main Carrer
- Present Professor Emeritus, Department of Food Bioengineering, Gachon University
- Past President, Korean Society of Food Science and Technology
- Past President, The Educational Association of the Food Science and Technology Forum, Korea
Food Engineering Field
Sung-Joon Lee
Main Carrer
- Present Professior, Department of Food Biosciences & Technology Korea University
- Present CEO, Ectorbiotherapeurics
- Present Review Board, National Research Foundation
Materials Engineering Field
Sung Soo Kim
Main Carrer
- Present Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyung Hee University
- Present Director, Research Center for Optoelectronic Materials
- Past Dean, College of Engineering, Kyung Hee University
- Past President, Membrane Society of Korea
Intellectual Property Field
Tae-Sun Kim
Main Carrer
- Present Vice President, Intromagna, Inc
- Past Judge, Korean Intellectual Property Office
- Past Representative Patent Attorney, Mooil Patent Law Firm